
Photo by Sigmund / Unsplash

In a groundbreaking move, the cryptocurrency issuer Tether recently frozen a total of 32 crypto wallet addresses that collectively held $873,118, citing their ties to "terrorism and warfare" activities in both Israel and Ukraine. This decision was unveiled to the public on Monday.

Just a week prior to Tether's announcement, the Israeli police had taken action to freeze certain cryptocurrency accounts which they believed were being used to accumulate donations for Hamas through social media platforms. This action followed a devastating Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7 that resulted in the death of approximately 1,300 individuals.

The exact timeline of when Tether decided to freeze these addresses remains undisclosed. However, it's clear that the decision aligns with the company's proclaimed commitment to working diligently with law enforcement agencies worldwide. Their primary objective? To thwart the increasing challenge of cryptocurrency being utilized to finance acts of terrorism and warfare.

Cryptocurrencies like Tether operate largely beyond the bounds of conventional financial systems. This nature of operations makes it considerably challenging to trace the individuals or entities orchestrating transactions since wallet addresses are pseudonymous.

It's worth noting the prominence of Tether in the crypto market. Its stablecoin is ranked third in terms of circulation volume among all cryptocurrencies. Recently, Tether announced its collaboration with Israel's National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF), emphasizing their collective goal to counteract the funding of terrorist activities through cryptocurrencies. The specifics of this collaboration remain under wraps for now.

Furthermore, Tether has refrained from revealing explicit details concerning the owners of the frozen wallet addresses and the precise nature of their activities. The company also did not disclose how these wallet addresses were distributed in terms of their connection to either Ukraine or Israel. When Reuters reached out for a detailed commentary on Tether's statement, the company chose not to respond.

In previous incidents, the NBCTF has undertaken measures to seize cryptocurrency accounts, especially those they suspect of being affiliated with extremist factions, including Hamas. However, the bureau did not comment when asked about Tether's recent move.

The adoption and use of cryptocurrency have soared in Ukraine since Russia's incursion the previous year. Kyiv alone successfully amassed over $100 million in cryptocurrency after making a public appeal for donations. Last year, the blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis noted that pro-Russian factions were also resorting to using cryptocurrency as a means of sourcing funds in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

This surge in cryptocurrency utilization by potentially malicious actors hasn't gone unnoticed by experts in the field. TRM Labs, a leading U.S.-based blockchain analysis enterprise that collaborates with law enforcement agencies, shared some alarming insights in a blog post from February. The company revealed a staggering 240% uptick in the utilization of Tether in 2022 among entities known for financing terrorism. Some of these entities reportedly rely exclusively on the stablecoin. This surge in Tether's usage eclipses the near 80% increase observed in Bitcoin, which is the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

Companies like TRM specialize in extracting details about crypto wallet owners. They employ a mix of strategies ranging from open-source investigations to direct alliances with law enforcement bodies.

TRM also shed light on Tether's increasing allure for these entities. The reasons are multifaceted - the volatile nature of Bitcoin, coupled with Tether's more affordable transaction fees, has made it a preferable choice.

Tether, however, has remained silent when asked to comment on the findings shared by TRM in their blog.

This entire episode underscores the complex challenges posed by the interplay between cryptocurrencies and global security concerns. As the digital age evolves, so does the nature of threats and the means to counteract them. Collaborations between cryptocurrency platforms and law enforcement agencies could play a pivotal role in ensuring a safer future for all.